More Eclipse Reviews: A Mixed Bag

We loved Eclipse. We thought it was the best Twilight film so far.
But we may be alone.

Below, we've posted excerpts from a number of movie critics around the country. None of them lambasted the flick, but few were overly enthusiastic about, either. If you've seen Eclipse, we'd 'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Comment away now...

I can't pretend that the third episode instilled a fever in my blood, but it didn't leave me cold. For the first time in the series I felt I'd seen a real movie. - The Wall Street Journal

As long as these movies remain about three petulant whiners staring at each other to little effect, no rousing action sequences are going to save them from their torpor. - Las Vegas Weekly

Volturi Promo PosterAnother Eclipse Poster

Saying that the third film in a series with two pretty weak prior entries is the best of the bunch may be faint praise, but that happens to be the case with Eclipse. - IGN

Director David Slade keeps the action brisk and the time-killing attractive ... All of which should be like a freshly opened vein for fans. - NPR

Kristen Stewart may be one of the most promising actresses of her generation or she may be trapped in amber forever as the drippy but inexplicably ultra-desirable Bella. - Detroit News

The first two movies were mediocre, but "Eclipse" represents one of the more astonishing upgrades in movie franchise history. - Richard Roeper

This is definitely the worst installment of the franchise to date.  - Chicago Reader

It appears to have embraced its own sense of camp and is consistently funny in an intentional way. For the first time, I found myself curious to see what comes next.  - TIME

Bella and Edward Scene