Vanda,a charming angel...

vandaSee this angel in firdaus garden....

vandaOne is good, two is better....

vandata daaaaaaaaa....

vandalife's beautiful why bother ?

vandaWhite bra with dream shoulder, a heavenly combination...

join me to heaven, how's that ?

You see, sometimes we need an angel in every us. Moreover in this crisis day like nowadays. Angel to give us a better dreams, a perfect hopes and an ease of life. Life is beautiful says vanda, so why you bother to be sad ? Cheer up !

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Mia, Calm and Confident...

miasoft and warm....

miachinese but sure....


miaOne smile conqueres one million men....!!

miaAnd kills the left....!!

miaScent of smiling woman....

Looks of naked woman....

She's got a very short name, MIA. We can associate it to Missing In Action, an action by beautiful chinese woman. Every actions she takes, every breathe she takes is a bless for pervert men...finally, MIA wants you to enjoy her appearance in MAMATMIMIT!

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Baby Margaretha,Suzuki Suzuku....

baby_margarethalooking for what aunty....?

baby_margarethaI looking for relaxation....

baby_margarethaIs it me or this room getting hotter ?

baby_margarethaDilemme : Suzuki or Suzumu ?

baby_margarethaFinally, Suzumu wins....

Baby Margaretha, a dilemma between Suzuki and Suzumu. Of course Suzumu wins, as millions men out there longing for them...

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Mela Barbie, Ancol Scandal...

Once upon a time, there was a politician named JK. He came to Ancol to some coronation of what so called as 'lopers day' or Newspaper vendors' day. And like any other mass -ooling attraction in Indonesia, Dangdut with stripper must be in !
And Mela Barbie is the one, she got a golden voice and a hot body...right after JK leave the stage, Mela start to stripe and !
And so be it...

Mela_BarbieWith JK silhuette....

Mela_BarbieShe was a nice lady at first....

Mela_Barbieand starts to get her clothes off....

Mela_Barbiepiece by piece....


finally....all's clear now !

pantun cinta - Mela Barbie

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Sleeping Beauty, a hot one...

Sleeping beauty, beauty to sleep with....agree everyone ?
With below beauty it's not too hard to get some sleeping partner we guess...

Are you lonesome tonight ?

Once Upon a Dream - Sleeping Beauty Video

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Making love in danau UI depok !

UIWhen I fall in love....

UIIt will be in UI....

UIWhen I penetrate....

UIIt will be forever....

Danau UI, or The Lake of Indonesia University, Depok is the perfect place for murdering and making love. Some mutilation happened there...beware !

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IGO,Indonesia Girls Only....BB17++

toketOne day around bunderan HI....

Can you guys believe it ? This is not America, where all silicon boobs all around, but hey this is around bunderan HI only ! What the f*uck !
Hello,Monita, looks like your crown of The booby Quenn will be thrown by this awesome melon-girl !

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Mischa Amalia, a drop dead sexy !

Have you any idea, when Mieke Amalia and Kiki Amalia becoming one person ?
If you don't, then you should see below result !

Mischa_AmaliaHello there....

Mischa_AmaliaWet works for me....

Mischa_AmaliaCome, get any closer....

Mischa_AmaliaOr you can stand by me....

Mischa_AmaliaOr beside me when I'm all alone....

Mischa_AmaliaDeal ?

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I love the blue of Indonesia...

When we the sunshine shone...
When all's the rainbow has gone....
We love the blue generation of Indonesia....It's only in the air...
It's my kind of blue...

blueBlue and sensual....

blueBlue corner....

blueBlue stripes....

blueShe makes me blue....

bluein a blue bayou....

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Putri Irwanti, gadis bertoket busyet!

Sepertinya cewek begitu bangganya dengan toket yang mereka miliki. Kegelisahan cewek tocil seperti kegelishan lelaki yang bertitit kecil. Urusan menggelembungkan dan memark-up dimonopoli bisnis ala Mak Erot yang beromset milyaran rupiah sebulan. Berbahagialah yang secara alami sudah besar.
Putri Irwanti, gadis Semarang begitu mensyukuri nikmat bertoket besar ini, karena tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya ekstra untuk menambal toketnya dengan silicon. Berikut wawancara MAMATMIMIT! dengan Putri :
M : "Putri kok bisa toket lu segede gaban memperkosa shariban gitu ?"
P : "Ya semuanya pake usaha lah mas..."
M : "Lho memangnya dulu gak segede ini ?"
P : "memang dari sononya sih sudah segede ini, tapi kan juga kita pake perawatan tambahan.."
M : "Kalo bisa bagi dong, pemirsa MAMATMIMIT! paling getol ama yang gede-gedean gini.."
P : "Sederhana sih...tiap pagi Putri rendem ama teh basi bekas minuman bapak semalem yang tersisa.."
M " Busyeeeeeeeeeeeet..!"







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Rina Psila,a pancasila follower

What's the difference between North Korean and Indonesia ?
Nothing much to say, as similarly the same. Dominantly by military in every sectors,power in iron-law of super-dogma ! North Korea worship Kim Il Sung and Jute dogma (believe in internal power only), and Indonesia worship Soeharto ! And Pancasila (believe in five element verses)  is the only legal dogma !
Rina, as a daughter of Indonesian general , get her last name by that !

rina_psilaOne, I believe in one God,money....

rina_psilaTwo, Just in Civilized Womanity....

rina_psilaThree, Unity in naked-city....

rina_psilaFour,the sound and wise women representative....

Five - Justice for !

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The gorgeous Bandung girls !

Bandung , the capital of hot girls in Indonesia. 3 of 4 girls is gorgeous there ! The combination of cool air and cool peoples resulting thousands cute college girls. PAAP UNPAD is the epicentrum of hot college girls there !

Dipatiukur, we are coming !

Gadis_bandungmy name's anneu....

Gadis_bandungI'm a PAAP's UNPAD student....

And available still...remember,I don't take smoker as consideration!

video mahasiswi poltekkes Gorontalo

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The Jakarta's mass whore raid !

Garukan ! That's the slank term for Social-problems mass raid by government apparatus . Oftenly done during Ramadhan's holy month, to get people's love. Even, whore,shemale,crazy peoples running hopelessly trough all direction..sometimes it brings death to them. Jumping to the heavy-polluted-river, or hit by running train !

Life's hard for both of them, Satpol PP and The whores cs . Be kind to them, they're all only do their jobs, nothing's more !

GarukanRed Whore in deep shit !

GarukanWhite slut in problemo !

GarukanTeen street whore at her first raid expereince !

GarukanIs she chinese in brunette hair ?

GarukanOpen your legs wide, otherwise you'll fallen!

GarukanWow, hot panties!

GarukanHey, is red the fav color for whore ?

GarukanTeen in prostitution,our mutual sin !

This is the worst,male prostitution..!

Satpol PP in hot action !!

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Kirim gambar cewek garukan cakep di sini